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Transformator (trafo)

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The transformer is a device used to convert electrical voltage alternating current (AC), transformers consists of 3 main components namely: the first source coil (primary), which acts as an input, the second coil (secondary), which act as outputs, and core iron which serves to strengthen the magnetic field (induction-electromagnetic) are produced.

Working principle of Transformer

under the laws of Ampere and Faraday's law working principle of a transformer is a transformer consists of a core, made ​​of iron plated and two coils (coil wire), the primary coil and secondary coil when the primary coil connected to the alternating voltage source, changes in electrical current in the primary coil causes a changing magnetic field. A changing magnetic field is strengthened by the presence of an iron and an iron core is delivered to the secondary coil, so that the ends of the secondary coil will arise failed induction. This effect is called mutual inductance (mutual inductance).

Power Trafo

Primary and secondary coils can be rolled up separately or can also be rolled composite. Primary and secondary coils can stand sendirisendiri or can become one is called autotrafo. Transformer coils are given in the middle, called TAP-called transformer center tap.

Transformer Coupling

Transformer coupling is used to continue the AC power accompanied by changes in impedance. We know that the roll of wire at a certain core, when the number of different reel, likely will give a different impedance. Just as the power transformer, primary and secondary can be rolled up separately or can also be rolled composite. A transformer with a tap when the roll before and after the tap tap symetris called a bifilar, when given two taps called trifilar.
How transformer bifilar winding is done by stacking two-wire and rolled with the same, then both ends are connected back (soldered). The connection is made ​​such that the two rolls before and after the tap has a roll of the same direction. Similarly to trifilar, conducted by stacking three wire.

In a transformer there is formula to calculate the number of primary and secondary winding for the output can be produced with low voltages and large currents.


Np = Number of primary winding

Ns = Number of secondary windings

Vp = Voltage Input (primary)

Vs = Voltage Output (secondary)

Ip = Primary Current (Input)

Is = Output Current (secondary)

Step-up transformer

Step-up transformer is a transformer that converts alternating low voltage becomes high, the transformer secondary winding has a number greater than the number of primary winding (Ns> Np). thus serves as Raising the voltage. The transformer is commonly encountered in power generation as Raising the voltage generated high voltage generator to be used in long distance transmission.

Step-down transformer

Step-down transformer that is opposed to step-up transformer, the transformer that converts high voltage alternating becomes low, the transformer has a primary coil winding number greater than the number of secondary windings (Np> Ns) serves as lowering voltage. Type transformers is very easy to find, especially in AC-DC adapter.

Pulse transformer

Transformer pulse transformer is specifically designed to provide the output pulse wave. This type transformer using the core material is saturated so quickly after the primary current reaches a certain point, magnetic flux stops changing. Because the emf induced in secondary winding is formed only if there is a change of magnetic flux, the transformer only when the core output is not saturated, ie when the current in primary winding turn.

Three-phase transformer

Three-phase transformer is actually a three transformers that are specifically linked to each other. Primary winding is usually connected in star (Y) and a secondary winding connected in delta (Δ).


Transformer of this type consists of only one winding which continues in power, by tapping the middle. In this transformer, some primary winding is also a secondary winding. Phase current in the secondary winding is always opposite the primary flow, so to quote the same power secondary winding can be made ​​with wire that is thinner than ordinary transformer. The advantage of autotransformator is a small physical size and lower loss than other types of two loops. But this type transformers can not provide electrical isolation between the primary winding to secondary winding.

Autotransformator variable

Autotransformator variable is actually a common autotransformator lead center can be changed, providing primary-secondary winding ratio changing.

Isolation transformer

Isolation transformer has a secondary winding amount equal to the primary winding, so the secondary voltage is equal to the primary voltage. But in some designs, the secondary winding is made a little more to compensate for the loss. This transformer serves as insulation between two oppositely. For the audio application, the transformer of this type has been largely supplanted by the coupling capacitor

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