The transistor includes a simple arrangement of components when compared with Integrated Circuit (IC) is a development of the Vacuum Tube (Vacuum Tube). The main function of a transistor is a signal booster and as an electronic switch. Compared with Vacuum tubes, transistors have advantages such as the physical form of smaller and less power used. In principle, a transistorconsists of of two diodes are put together . In order for a transistor to work, to the foot of his legs should be given voltage, this voltage is called the bias voltage. Base, emitter given forward voltage, while the collector base is given a reverse voltage. The nature of the transistor is that between the collector and emitter will be no current (transistor will deliver) when there is base current. The bigger the base the greater flows connecting (penghatarannya)in Indonesian
Transistors can be used among others to:
1. amplifier current, voltage and power (AC and DC)
2.Sebagai rectifier
3.Sebagai mixer
4.Sebagai oscillator
5.Sebagai switch
Various forms of transistors that were sold in the market, packaging sheath material also there are various kinds such as metal sheath, ceramic and there are sheathed polyester. Transistors usually have three legs, feet first is called the base, the next leg is called the collector and the third leg is called the emitter.
Transistor is divided into two types of NPN and PNP. To distinguish the type NPN or PNP transistor, you can see on the arrow on the emitter leg.
Howspecify the legs of the transistor :
• Use Ohm Meter scale x1 or x10
• Create one foot as a benchmark, connect one by one with the other foot, if the needle stir all, the foot is the base standard.
• If the foot benchmark connect with a red pen (Ohm Meter), then the type is PNP
If the foot benchmark connect with black pen (Ohm Meter), then the type is NPN
Collector and emitter
• Use Ohm Meter x10 scale K?
• Measure / connect the foot that is not the base, marked the needle move a little or not moving, the feet that gets the same pen with the base is Colektor legs and rest the other leg is the emitter.
to seek colektor and emitter stay where we measure a smaller hambatanya that emitor.Catatan: If the base is located on the edge of the foot, the foot was in tengah.dipersilahkan Feet Colektor collectors are usually connected with the body transistor when the transistor is dipacking use metal. If the transistor dipacking with plastic so the collector are usually connected with the transistor body to be linked to cooling.
If the transistor is not connected with the coolant, it should be sought first leg base. If you've met, amid what is now his base foot lane? If the base middle leg, usually the collector is at the right. If the base edge then the collector is in the middle.
Other types of transistors are Field Effect Transistors (FET) or field effect transistors and Metal Oxide Silicon FET (MOSFET). In general, the transistor can be differentiated based on many categories:
• semiconductor material: Germanium, Silicon, Gallium arsenide
• Physical Packaging: Through Hole Metal, Plastic Through Hole, Surface Mount, IC, etc.
• Polarity: NPN or N-channel, PNP or P-channel
• Maximum capacity: Low Power, Medium Power, High Power
• Maximum working frequency: Low, Medium, or High Frequency, RF transistors, Microwave, etc.
Applications: Amplifiers, Switches, General Purpose, Audio, High Voltage, etc. In general, the transistor has three terminals. Voltage or current that is placed on one terminal set larger currents through two other terminals. Transistors are the essential components in modern electronic world. In analog circuitry, the transistor used in the amplifier (booster). Series analog surround speakers, stable electricity sources, and radio signal amplifier. In digital circuits, transistors used as high-speed switch. Some transistors can also be arranged in such a way as to function as logic gates, memory and other components.
Junktion Union Transistors (UJT)
Junktion Union Transistors (UJT) is a transistor having one emitter and two base leg. Functionality of this transistor is mainly for electronic switches. There are two types of UJT UJT UJT Canal Canal N and P.
Field Effect Transistor (FET)
Field Effect Transistor (FET) is a special type of transistor. Unlike ordinary transistor, which will deliver if given the currents in the base, the type FET transistor will deliver if given voltage (not current). Kakikakinya be named Gate (G), Drain (D) and Source (S).
Some advantages compared to the FET transistor is common among other big gains, as well as a low sigh. Due to the higher price of FET transistor, only used on the part ¬ section does require. The physical shape FET there is a wide range similar to the transistor.
Like the transistor, there are two types of FET ie ¬ Canal Canal N and P. Unless there is some kind of FET is Junktion FET (JFET) and Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET).
Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)
Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET) is a type FET having a drain, a source and one or two Gate. MOSFET has a very high input impedance. Given a high enough price, then the MOSFET is used only on the parts that really need it. Its use such as RF amplifier in a receiver to obtain a high amplification with low sigh.
In packaging and assembly by using MOSFET need diperhatiakan that these components are not resistant to electrostatic, packaged using tinfoil, pematriannya using a special type of solder for soldering the MOSFET.
Like the FET, there are two kinds of MOSFET is P Canal and Canal N.
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